ATCC decides the biosafety level of a material in light of our gamble evaluation as directed by the ongoing release of Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), U.S. Branch of Health and Human Services.
It is your obligation to comprehend the risks related with the material per your association’s approaches and techniques as well as some other appropriate guidelines as upheld by your neighborhood or public offices.
ATCC energetically suggests that suitable individual defensive hardware is generally utilized while dealing with vials. For societies that require capacity in fluid nitrogen, it is vital to take note of that a few vials might spill when submersed in fluid nitrogen and will gradually load up with fluid nitrogen.
After defrosting, the change of the fluid nitrogen back to its gas stage might bring about the vial detonating or passing over its cap with risky power making flying trash. Except if important, ATCC suggests that these societies be put away in the fume period of fluid nitrogen instead of submersed in fluid nitrogen.
The human undeveloped kidney 293T cells, the murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7, and microglia cell line BV2 were bought from ATCC and kept up with in the lab.. HEK 293T cells and RAW264.7 were filled in Dulbecco’s altered Eagles medium (DMEM) and the microglia cell line BV2 cells were filled in Dulbecco’s changed Eagles medium/supplement blend F-12 (DMEM/F12) enhanced with 10% fetal cow-like serum, 100 U/mL penicillin and 100 µg/mL streptomycin (Biochrom KG, Berlin, Germany) at 37 °C.
Laid out cell lines are broadly utilized in research, but an engaging inquiry is the equivalence of the cells between different labs, their qualities and steadiness on schedule.
Tricky is likewise the cell line misidentification, hereditary and phenotypic shift or Mycoplasma pollution which are in many cases neglected in research papers. The monocyte/macrophage-like cell line RAW 264.7 has been one of the most usually utilized myeloid cell line for over 40 years.
Regardless of its phenotypic and utilitarian security is many times talked about in writing or at different logical conversation boards, their strength during the sequential entries has not been affirmed in any strong review. Up to this point, a couple of utilitarian highlights of these cells have been considered, for instance their capacity to separate into osteoclasts.
Thusly, in the current paper we have researched the aggregate and practical soundness of the RAW 264.7 cell line from entry no. 5 till section no. 50. We figured out that the aggregate (articulation of specific macrophage-trademark qualities and surface markers) and practical attributes (phagocytosis and NO creation) of RAW 264.7 cell line stays stable through entries: from section no. 10 up to entry no. 30.
Generally speaking, our outcomes demonstrated that the RAW 264.7 cell line ought not be utilized after the entry no. 30 any other way it might impact the information unwavering quality.
cell line advancement is perhaps the main advance for laying out a biopharmaceutical fabricating process.
Beginning from the assessment of fitting DNA vector builds up to the choice of top creation clones, an all around planned cell line improvement methodology is expected to get the best answers for GMP creation.
Ideal efficiency and bioactivity isn’t generally accomplished with one single cell have as item quality credits might contrast broadly starting with one biotherapeutic then onto the next. Along these lines, observing a reasonable articulation have is basic to help wanted item attributes.
Speed increase of cell line advancement innovation is the key for an expense productive improvement of a biopharmaceutical fabricating process. At FyoniBio we join exceptionally creating cell lines and altered articulation vectors which are integrated into pool and minipool determination systems. Accordingly we increment the likelihood of distinguishing high maker clones.
To confirm protein quality from the beginning, direct reconciliation of PTM/glycan investigation into cell line improvement methods is conceivable – in-house and with quick time required to circle back.
In our phone line advancement, single cell cloning utilizes 3-4 most elevated creating (smaller than normal)- pools delivering clones with fluctuating qualities.
Various rounds of clone screening are performed beginning with starting 96-well screening up to bioprocess incorporated separating clump, took care of bunch and perfusion mode.
For this reason, we utilize appropriate down-scale models to straightforwardly observe a cycle fitting monoclonal cell line.
Zymosan | ||||
B400 | Complement Technology | 10 @ 1x109 /mL | 171 EUR | |
Zymosan | ||||
MBS669120-100mg | MyBiosource | 100mg | 180 EUR | |
Zymosan | ||||
MBS669120-5x100mg | MyBiosource | 5x100mg | 790 EUR | |
Zymosan | ||||
tlrl-zyn | InvivoGen FR | 100 mg | 108.15 EUR | |
Zymosan A | ||||
Z001-1G | TOKU-E | 1 g | 65.41 EUR | |
Zymosan A | ||||
Z001-250MG | TOKU-E | 250 mg | 79.2 EUR | |
Zymosan A | ||||
Z001-5G | TOKU-E | 5 g | 176.01 EUR | |
Zymosan A | ||||
ZB4250 | Bio Basic | 1g | 385.38 EUR | |
Zymosan Depleted | ||||
tlrl-zyd | InvivoGen FR | 10 mg | 121.8 EUR | |
EZCell? Phagocytosis Assay Kit (Red Zymosan) | ||||
K398-100 | Biovision | each | 516 EUR | |
EZ-Red? Zymosan A Fluorescent Particles | ||||
M1204-500 | Biovision | each | 411.6 EUR | |
EZCell? Phagocytosis Assay Kit (Green Zymosan) | ||||
K397-100 | Biovision | each | 516 EUR | |
EZ-Green? Zymosan A Fluorescent Particles | ||||
M1203-500 | Biovision | each | 411.6 EUR | |
CytoSelect 96-well Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan) | ||||
MBS168370-5x96Assays | MyBiosource | 5x96Assays | 3170 EUR | |
CytoSelect 96-well Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan) | ||||
MBS168370-96Assays | MyBiosource | 96Assays | 820 EUR | |
CytoSelect™ 96-well Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan) | ||||
CBA-224 | Cell Biolabs | 96 assays | 516 EUR | |
CytoSelect™ 96-well Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan) | ||||
CBA-224-5 | Cell Biolabs | 5 x 96 assays | 2236 EUR | |
CytoSelect 96-Well Phagocytosis Assay(Zymosan Substrate), Trial Size | ||||
CBA-224-T | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | 463.2 EUR | |
Zymostenol | ||||
584869 | MedKoo Biosciences | 5.0mg | 260 EUR | |
Zymostenol | ||||
HY-113345 | MedChemExpress | 1 mg | 91.99 EUR | |
Zymosterol | ||||
HY-114297 | MedChemExpress | 1 mg | 411.26 EUR | |
Zymostenol | ||||
MBS5784810-10mg | MyBiosource | 10mg | 430 EUR | |
Zymostenol | ||||
MBS5784810-25mg | MyBiosource | 25mg | 695 EUR | |
Zymostenol | ||||
MBS5784810-50mg | MyBiosource | 50mg | 1070 EUR | |
Zymostenol | ||||
MBS5784810-5mg | MyBiosource | 5(mg | 290 EUR | |
Zymostenol | ||||
MBS5784810-5x25mg | MyBiosource | 5x25mg | 2985 EUR | |
Zymostenol | ||||
T35321-10mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 10mg | Ask for price | |
Zymostenol | ||||
T35321-1g | TargetMol Chemicals | 1g | Ask for price | |
Zymostenol | ||||
T35321-1mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 1mg | Ask for price | |
Zymostenol | ||||
T35321-50mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 50mg | Ask for price | |
Zymostenol | ||||
T35321-5mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 5mg | Ask for price | |
Zymosterol | ||||
Z701520 | Toronto Research Chemicals | 25mg | 29000 EUR | |
Zymostenol | ||||
Z701530 | Toronto Research Chemicals | 100mg | 972 EUR | |
Zymosterone | ||||
Z701580 | Toronto Research Chemicals | 25mg | 31000 EUR | |
Zymostenol-d7 | ||||
HY-113345S | MedChemExpress | 1mg | Ask for price | |
Zymosterol-d5 | ||||
HY-114297S | MedChemExpress | 1mg | Ask for price | |
Zymosterol-d5 | ||||
Z701560 | Toronto Research Chemicals | 25mg | 35000 EUR | |
14-dehydro Zymostenol | ||||
461983 | MedKoo Biosciences | 1.0mg | 318 EUR | |
14-dehydro Zymostenol | ||||
MBS5785299-1mg | MyBiosource | 1(mg | 395 EUR | |
14-dehydro Zymostenol | ||||
MBS5785299-5mg | MyBiosource | 5mg | 1540 EUR | |
14-dehydro Zymostenol | ||||
MBS5785299-5x5mg | MyBiosource | 5x5mg | 6785 EUR | |
14-dehydro Zymostenol | ||||
T37929-10mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 10mg | Ask for price | |
14-dehydro Zymostenol | ||||
T37929-1g | TargetMol Chemicals | 1g | Ask for price | |
14-dehydro Zymostenol | ||||
T37929-1mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 1mg | Ask for price | |
14-dehydro Zymostenol | ||||
T37929-50mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 50mg | Ask for price | |
14-dehydro Zymostenol | ||||
T37929-5mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 5mg | Ask for price | |
Zymolyase(R)-20T | ||||
07663-91 | NACALAI TESQUE | 1G | 87.15 EUR | |
Zymolyase(R)-100T | ||||
07665-55 | NACALAI TESQUE | 500MG | 311.5 EUR | |
Zymogram Sample Buffer, pH 6.6 | ||||
42620002-1 | Bio-WORLD | 25 mL | 34.25 EUR | |
Zymogram Sample Buffer, pH 6.6 | ||||
42620002-2 | Bio-WORLD | 50 mL | 55.76 EUR | |
Zymogram Sample Buffer, pH 6.6 | ||||
42620002-3 | Bio-WORLD | 100 mL | 90.5 EUR | |
Zymogram Sample Buffer | ||||
40120378-1 | Bio-WORLD | 25 ml | 26.61 EUR | |
Zymogram Sample Buffer | ||||
40120378-2 | Bio-WORLD | 50 ml | 43.33 EUR | |
2X Zymogram Sample Buffer | ||||
IBS-BZ002 | iNtRON Biotechnology Inc | 30 mL | 21 EUR | |
Zymogram Sample Buffer (2X) | ||||
KZB020 | KOMA BIOTECH | 20ml | 26 EUR | |
Zymogram Running Buffer (10X) | ||||
KZB030 | KOMA BIOTECH | 500ml | 81 EUR | |
Precast gel Zymogram 10%, 15wells, 1.5mm | ||||
GSZ2001-10F | Shanghai WSHT Biotechnology | 10 gels/package | 120 EUR | |
Precast gel Zymogram 10%, 10wells, 1.5mm | ||||
GSZ2001-10T | Shanghai WSHT Biotechnology | 10 gels/package | 120 EUR | |
Zymogram Developing Buffer 10X, pH 7.45 | ||||
42620000-1 | Bio-WORLD | 250 mL | 20.36 EUR | |
Zymogram Developing Buffer 10X, pH 7.45 | ||||
42620000-2 | Bio-WORLD | 500 mL | 34.5 EUR | |
Zymogram Developing Buffer 10X, pH 7.45 | ||||
42620000-3 | Bio-WORLD | 1 L | 55.86 EUR | |
Zymogram Renaturing Buffer (10X) | ||||
KZB040 | KOMA BIOTECH | 500ml | 54 EUR | |
Zymogram Developing Buffer (10X) | ||||
KZB050 | KOMA BIOTECH | 500ml | 81 EUR | |
Zymogen granule protein 16 homolog B | ||||
AP89022 | SAB | 1mg | 2640 EUR | |
10X Zymogram Development Buffer | ||||
IBS-BZ004 | iNtRON Biotechnology Inc | 500 mL | 42 EUR | |
Zymogram-PAG 10% Pre-cast Gel, 1.0mm, 10well | ||||
KG9011 | KOMA BIOTECH | 10/pk | 135 EUR | |
Zymogram Renaturation Buffer 10X | ||||
42620001-1 | Bio-WORLD | 250 mL | 16.29 EUR | |
Zymogram Renaturation Buffer 10X | ||||
42620001-2 | Bio-WORLD | 500 mL | 29.62 EUR | |
Zymogram Renaturation Buffer 10X | ||||
42620001-3 | Bio-WORLD | 1 L | 55.86 EUR | |
Zymogen granule membrane protein 16 | ||||
AP88764 | SAB | 1mg | 2640 EUR | |
Zymogen granule membrane protein 16 | ||||
AP89289 | SAB | 1mg | 2640 EUR | |
Zymogen granule membrane protein 16 | ||||
AP79316 | SAB | 1mg | 2640 EUR | |
10X Zymogram Renaturation Buffer | ||||
IBS-BZ003 | iNtRON Biotechnology Inc | 500 mL | 35 EUR | |
Zymolyase 100T (Lyticase, Yeast Lytic Enzyme) | ||||
MBS653685-100mg | MyBiosource | 100mg | 735 EUR | |
Zymolyase 100T (Lyticase, Yeast Lytic Enzyme) | ||||
MBS653685-250mg | MyBiosource | 250mg | 1080 EUR | |
Zymolyase 100T (Lyticase, Yeast Lytic Enzyme) | ||||
MBS653685-25mg | MyBiosource | 25mg | 280 EUR | |
Zymolyase 100T (Lyticase, Yeast Lytic Enzyme) | ||||
MBS653685-500mg | MyBiosource | 500mg | 1610 EUR | |
Zymolyase 100T (Lyticase, Yeast Lytic Enzyme) | ||||
MBS653685-50mg | MyBiosource | 50mg | 435 EUR | |
Zymolyase 20T (Lyticase, Yeast Lytic Enzyme) | ||||
MBS653884-100mg | MyBiosource | 100mg | 225 EUR | |
Zymolyase 20T (Lyticase, Yeast Lytic Enzyme) | ||||
MBS653884-1g | MyBiosource | 1g | 790 EUR | |
Zymolyase 20T (Lyticase, Yeast Lytic Enzyme) | ||||
MBS653884-250mg | MyBiosource | 250mg | 315 EUR | |
Zymolyase 20T (Lyticase, Yeast Lytic Enzyme) | ||||
MBS653884-500mg | MyBiosource | 500mg | 555 EUR | |
Zymolyase 20T (Lyticase, Yeast Lytic Enzyme) | ||||
MBS653884-5x1g | MyBiosource | 5x1g | 3395 EUR | |
Rat Zymogen Granule Protein 16 Homolog B ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS055185-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR | |
Rat Zymogen Granule Protein 16 Homolog B ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS055185-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR | |
Rat Zymogen Granule Protein 16 Homolog B ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS055185-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR | |
Rat Zymogen Granule Protein 16 Homolog B ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS055185-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR | |
Cat Zymogen Granule Protein 16 Homolog B ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS063455-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price | |
Human Zymogen granule protein 16 homolog B (ZG16B) | ||||
1-CSB-EP836195HU | Cusabio |
Human Zymogen granule protein 16 homolog B (ZG16B) | ||||
1-CSB-YP836195HU | Cusabio |
Goat Zymogen Granule Protein 16 Homolog B ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS060332-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price | |
Fish Zymogen Granule Protein 16 Homolog B ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS073177-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price | |
Cavy Zymogen Granule Protein 16 Homolog B ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS074176-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price | |
Duck Zymogen Granule Protein 16 Homolog B ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS083421-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price | |
Rat Zymogen granule membrane protein 16 ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS288259-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 4000 EUR | |
Rat Zymogen granule membrane protein 16 ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS288259-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 395 EUR | |
Rat Zymogen granule membrane protein 16 ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS288259-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 2185 EUR |
This cell line arrangement empowers high return creation of antibodies, complex mammalian proteins and can be utilized to track down the right answer for biosimilar advancement. Observe best matching quality credits by twofold following in our numerous cell line stages.